
Southern Link Road Overnight Closures

We wanted to make you aware of some forthcoming overnight closures on the Southern Link Road that are required to enable work to be carried out on the Ketch Roundabout and Temeside Way (signing, lining, studding etc).
The closures will take place between 9pm and 5:30am Monday to Friday inclusive next week. The road will be closed between Powick Roundabout and Norton Roundabout and between Timberdine Roundabout and a point just north of Taylor’s Lane. North/South traffic will be diverted via Upton/Pershore, and East/West traffic via Bromwich Road/London Road, both of which are the standard strategic diversion routes in these circumstances.
In addition to this, Taylor’s Lane will be made one-way (eastbound only) while the closures are in place.
The closure of the Temeside Way/Powick slip road will remain in place during week days until the Christmas break, during which period it will be open. The week day closure will be reinstated for a period after Christmas to facilitate the final reinstatement works in that area following the removal of surplus soil from the site. Weather permitting, the carriageway resurfacing works that are required in the same area (ie just south of the Powick Roundabout) will be carried out under overnight closures in the final week before Christmas.