
Weekly update from West Mercia Police – Economic Crime Unit – 09/05/2022

This week we are making you aware of 3 Scams that are currently prevalent.

1.Council Tax Rebate

Many people will be expecting to receive a £150 Energy Bill rebate payment into their bank accounts from their local councils. Some councils have already made this payment, but others still have to process these payments.

In the meantime, fraudsters are using this opportunity to phone/email/text members of the public claiming to be from “The Council” and requesting their bank details so the payment can be made. Those who have fallen for the scam have then found large sums of money have been taken from their bank accounts.

Councils will never ask for your bank details over the phone, if you have not got a Direct Debit set up for your Council Tax, then they will contact you in writing for the details.

If you receive one of these calls, put the phone down and report it at

2. Romance Fraud – Top Tips

It is important that no matter how long you have been in touch with someone online, and how much you trust them, if you have never met them in person then you must not:

  • Send them any money
  • Allow them to access your bank account
  • Transfer money on their behalf
  • Take out a loan on their behalf
  • Provide any copies of your personal documents such as Passports or Driving licences
  • Invest your own money on their behalf or on their advice
  • Agree to receive or send parcels on their behalf such as laptops, mobile phones etc.
  • Purchase and send codes on Gift Cards, such as Amazon or ITunes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. Gift Cards

Also, on your next visit to a Tesco Store, you should see the Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign promoted in the Gift Card sections.

In Impersonation Scams, criminals often trick members of the public into buying Gift Cards to pay for fake fines, overdue tax and other payments and ask them to send the codes to make the payments.

Warnings are being placed with the Gift Cards in all main stores and Tesco Express nationally to help keep customers safe.

Take Five To Stop Fraud 

  • Stop: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.
  • Challenge: Could it be fake? It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.
  • Protect: If you think you’ve been a victim of fraud, contact your bank immediately and report it to Action Fraud online at or by calling 0300 123 2040.

For further information visit:

Do you want to know more about Fraud? 

Fraud Safety Webinar: 10am, 24th May –

Fraud Safety Webinar; 2pm, 23rd June –

Fraud Safety Webinar: 10am, 21st July – 

Fraud Safety Webinar: 7pm, 24th August –