Neighbourhood Development Plan

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Neighbourhood Development Plans were authorised by the Localism Act 2011. This Act enabled Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums to create their own Development Plan to set out how their area should develop in the future. The type of key questions such a plan should answer are:
< How will the area develop in the future?
< How much land should be set aside for new houses, shops and places of employment?
< Where is the best place for development to take place?
< What should new buildings look like?
< What else is needed to provide a good quality of life?

A Neighbourhood Plan can help prevent the wrong kind of development, and promote a higher quality of building design. Planning Inspectors must refer to the Neighbourhood Plan in cases where developers appeal against a refusal of planning permission. Neighbourhood Plans must conform to the strategic objectives of the Local Plan, which in our case is the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP). Local Plans, despite their name, usually cover a wide area and are mainly concerned with identifying sites for housing and commercial development.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan for Powick is currently being written, but we do have Designated Neighbourhood Area which can be found via the link at the end of this page.  Our Neighbourhood Plan will include all the areas of the parish including Powick, Callow End, Bastonford, Colletts Green, Old Hills and Clevelode.

If YOU would like to be involved in shaping the future of YOUR area, please get in touch with us via the contact page.

The SWDP is currently being reviewed and will be reviewed again periodically, which means that it will be necessary to update the Powick Neighbourhood Plan in conjunction with this in the future.

To take part in the Neighbourhood Plan Survey please click


For further information click links below –

Powick Neighbourhood Area – Decision Notice

